Wagga School Leaders Program Module 4, 2021

Module 4 of the Wagga School Leaders Program - Me and My Health and Wellbeing took place on Wednesday 24 March 2021. In this module the students commenced with an exercise class at Workout Wagga. Sophie Uden spoke to the students about pressure and nerves and how to manage that.  Sophie explained a little about her training and commitment prior to becoming the National Women’s Criterium Champion. Margo McFadden then took the students through a circuit. Margo explained in her experiences as a Personal Trainer the importance of gauging who you are working with and plan your sessions accordingly. Using exercise as way to handle stress and to clear your mind was also mentioned.

The students then proceeded to the Townhouse where Dr Carl Henman presented a session which included some of the following components of health and wellbeing – Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual. The students considered components of their health and wellbeing such along with embracing opportunities, broadening horizons, marks matter less than effort and motivation. Dr Carl left the students with a message as follows “No one thing, success or failure defines you or your pathway in life”.

Dietician Jocelyn Williams then presented on Food for Fuel, giving the students plenty of ideas on how they can introduce more fruit and vegetables into their diets, the importance of drinking water, not skipping breakfast and adding colour and variety to their meals. Jocelyn emphasised how the intake of food influences the brain function and suggested students organise dinner once a week for their family.

The evening concluded with Jocelyn challenging the students to “Think of at least one thing from today’s session that you can do differently” to have a positive influence on their health.