Wagga School Leaders Module 6 at Transgrid Discovery Hub

Module 6 of the Wagga School Leaders Program was held early in June. At this module the students explored “Me and my place in a bigger Environment”. The morning commenced with discussions around intention setting to set the tone for the day.

In the morning session each student was given the opportunity to present to the cohort their Leadership Shields. The students have been working on this task since February. All had differing levels of nerves leading into the presentations with some experiencing excitement while others were finding it daunting.

The students were then critiqued on the presentations with practical advice on further enhancing their presentation skills.

At each module over the course of the program the students have been developing their presentation skills. They have been asked to consider the power of storytelling, to open with impact, make it relevant to the audience, think about voice projection, pitch, pace, pauses, eye contact, facial expressions, and content.

The students were then given an energiser activity a trip to Vortex from the C4W staff and Jum Lamont the Facilitator of the program which they totally committed to and stretched their boundaries walking on high wires and rock wall climbing.

The afternoon was spent preparing for the Graduation. Students were assigned their roles and presentation topics. Time was then spent discussing and planning the presentation.

“My Top 3 Take Aways from this Program include: the rule of thirds, as I am finding it to be very helpful and an excellent tool to engage an audience; breathing and stress mediation has been my biggest learning, as being calm is an important factor in speech; and, being a part of WSLP has made me a stronger and more effective leader. This is essential to my future in my role as a leader, and will be a big part of who I am in the future.” NL

Michelle Ford