Australian Peak Shippers Association Conference
Leaders in the freight and logistics sectors descended on Wagga Wagga to attend the two-day Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) Conference.
More than 170 industry representatives – the majority travelling from Sydney and Melbourne – heard from a range of experts at the Wagga RSL Club on August 30 and 31.
The first day of the APSA conference included a site tour of the RiFL Hub at Bomen. Among those in attendance were were Ron Crouch Transport representatives Peter Braneley and Daniel Crouch.
The conference also included a site tour of the Riverina Intermodal Freight and Logistics (RiFL) Hub at Bomen on the opening day as well as a Welcome Reception (see pictures below), which was sponsored by Committee 4 Wagga.
Committee 4 Wagga chair Adam Drummond addressed the guests at the function, highlighting the strategic location and investment pipeline in Wagga Wagga
Committee 4 Wagga chair Adam Drummond addresses the welcome event at the Australian Peak Shippers Association conference at the Riverine Club.
The APSA conference welcome was well attended by representatives from across Australia.
An update on the progress of the Special Activation Precinct to the city’s north also featured on the first day.
For a number of those in attendance, the conference was their initial visit to Wagga Wagga.
“We have had so much positive feedback already about the event,” said organiser Caroline Zalai from APSA.
Secretariat of the Australian Peak Shippers Association, Paul Zalai, chairs the second day of the conference at the Wagga RSL.
Member for Riverina and Shadow Minister for International Development and the Pacific, Michael McCormack, gave an address to start Session 2 on the second day.
Mr McCormack said Wagga Wagga has so much production – from agriculture to the defence forces and education – that it’s the ideal centre for businesses to invest.
Minister for Trade and Tourism, Senator Don Farrell, delivered a ministerial address via a video link.
The four sessions on the second day focused on infrastructure, ports and shipping, regulatory reform and innovation, with 20 guest speakers taking to the stage.
The presentations from each session of the conference are below:
RiFL Tour Presentations
James Bolton, A/Deputy Secretary Regional NSW and Chief Executive of Regional Growth NSW Development Corporation - here
Peter Thompson. General Manager, Wagga Wagga City Council - here
Dianna Somerville, Chair at Regional Development Australia Riverina - here
Lee Schmelich, Country Manager Australia, Visy Logistics - here
Conference Presentations
Session 2 “Ports & Shipping” panel presentation - here
Session 3 Senator The Hon Don Farrell, Minister for Trade & Tourism - here
Session 3 “Regulatory Reform” Stephen King, Commissioner, Productivity Commission - here
Committee 4 Wagga was represented at the conference by Adam, secretary David Bardos, board members Sam Beresford, Rebecca Hardy and Nick Abraham and chief executive officer Scott Sanbrook.
Enjoying the welcome event at the Australian Peak Shippers Association conference are John Sidgwick (centre) and Regional Development Australia Riverina chair Dianna Somerville (right) along with Committee 4 Wagga chair Adam Drummond and board members Rebecca Hardy and Sam Beresford.