Business Summit Wrap Up
We will be preparing a detailed wrap up of the recent Business Summit which was attended by just under 100 local business, industry and government leaders recently. We were extremely thrilled with the calibre of speakers, chairs and Q&A sessions from the floor as well as the positive feedback following the day long event.
The first panel of the Business Summit with guest speakers Stuart Webster - Investment NSW, Paul Fowler - Commonwealth Bank of Australia and Julian Whealing - Business NSW.
The second panel of the Business Summit. Left to right: Genevieve Jacobs AM - Group Editor, Region Media, Craig Stallan - Transgrid, Lloyd Gomez - Laing O’Rourke, Jillian Kilby - The Stable Group and Anthony McFarlane - Regional Manager, Business NSW Murray-Riverina.
The third panel of the Business Summit with featured Tom Burton - Charles Sturt University, Chris Outten - TAFE NSW South and Rachel Whiting - Regional Development Australia, Riverina.
Dr Joe McGirr MP, Independent Member for Wagga Wagga addressing the audience at the Wagga Wagga Business Summit.
The C4W has already started planning for a follow-up event and will have further details to hand shortly. If you are in the employment, training or education space and would like to register your interest in being involved in a summit targeting students in years 9 to 11 and their parents, please email and specify your level of support for the event.