Local Strategic Planning Statement Submission

The Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) was released by Wagga Wagga City Council in October 2020. The LSPS sets out the 20-year planning vision for the Local Government Area, providing a planning vision, emphasizing strategic land use, transport and environmental planning and considering how the area will change to meet the community’s needs in 20 years’ time. The LSPS will form the basis for rezoning decisions and inform the review of planning controls across the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area, guiding development outcomes. In practice, the LSPS will shape how the Local Environmental Plan and Development Control Plans evolve over time.

Committee for Wagga provided a submission in response to the Draft LSPS. 74 submissions were provided to the Wagga Wagga City Council who adopted the Wagga Wagga LSPS at the Council meeting on 8th February 2021.

Sophie Uden