Riverina Intermodal Freight & Logistics Hub Site Works Commences

NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro participated in the sod turning ceremony for the Riverina Intermodal Freight and Logistics Hub (RiFL) at Bomen yesterday. The event, which marks the official start of construction was attended by WWCC Mayor, Greg Conkey, Member for Wagga, Dr Joe McGirr, NSW Nationals MLC, Wes Fang and Wiradjuri elder Uncle James Ingram and knowledge holder Peter Ingram.

The Riverina Intermodal Freight & Logistics Hub sod turning ceremony.

The Riverina Intermodal Freight & Logistics Hub sod turning ceremony.

Speaking about the project, Deputy Premier Barilaro stated, ‘This precinct will make Wagga Wagga a major player in domestic and international freight export, making the town even more attractive to local and international businesses.’

‘This intermodal facility will be a world-class business hub servicing the region’s advanced manufacturing, recycling and renewables industries and help local businesses reap the benefits of the Inland Rail and Wagga Wagga Special Activation Precinct.’

Committee for Wagga has been a long-time advocate of the RiFL Hub as it forms a key component of the Bomen Business Park and the Special Activation Precinct Draft Master Plan (released in July 2020). We look forward to the opportunities this significant development will bring to Wagga Wagga, including attracting new further businesses to the city and driving economic & population growth.

The project is funded by the NSW Government, the Wagga Wagga City Council and Visy Logistics who will operate and manage the RiFL Hub terminal and master rail siding. Construction is expected to be completed by mid-2022.

Sophie Uden