Housing Developments Progress
Wagga Wagga City Council has recently progressed approvals for the following housing developments:
Morgan, Murray and Forsyth Street precinct
Former Eric Weissel Oval site between Kincaid and Gurwood streets
River Road and Old Narrandra Road area at Gobbagomalin
The progress of these developments, and their planned housing options & business opportunities, represents a move towards Wagga Wagga becoming a regional capital within NSW and is in line with the NSW Governments population target for Wagga Wagga of 100,000 by 2038.
Morgan, Murray and Forsyth Street precinct
The Morgan, Murray and Forsyth Street precinct concept plan. Detailed designs incorporating the site specific development controls will be lodged with Council in future.
Earlier this week Wagga Wagga City Council resolved to adopt site specific development controls for the Morgan, Murray and Forsyth Street precinct proposed development. The controls are designed to incorporate community feedback including concerns regarding traffic, building height, floor space ratio, shadows and green space received during the initial public feedback process.
The developer will now begin detailed design work incorporating the site specific controls. The detailed plans will be lodged with Wagga Wagga City Council for assessment and will be available for additional public comment in future.
Former Eric Weissel Oval site between Kincaid and Gurwood streets
Wagga Wagga City Council has approved the development application for the Leagues Precinct between Kincaid and Gurwood streets, including the former Eric Weissel Oval. The application includes 160 dwellings consisting of a combination of apartments, terraces and detached houses accommodating approximately 400 residents, with a 'pocket park', community garden and green walkways providing communal open space.
River Road and Old Narrandera Road area at Gobbagomalin
The River Road and Old Narrandera Road area planning proposal
At their August meeting Wagga Wagga City Council provided in principle support to the development of the area between River Road and Old Narrandera Road at Gobbagombalin. The planning proposal is now subject to State Government approval and community consultation.
The proposed area is approximately 60 hectares and consisting of up to 750 additional residential lots, recreation and commercial opportunities and incorporates green space including part of the Gobbagombalin Lagoon.