Damasa Pty Ltd
Damasa is a family owned property development firm operated by siblings Daniel, Manuel and Sandra Donebus.
Committee for Wagga caught up with Manuel Donebus about the development of the business, the family’s community involvement and the growth opportunities available to Wagga as governments and businesses explore opportunities to decentralise their operations.
Manuel, Sandra and Daniel Donebus
Manuel credits his father, Carlo, and his family’s values for instilling a community service mindset within the whole family which Daniel, Manuel and Sandra apply in all aspects of their lives, including the family business, Damasa.
The origins of Damasa date back to 1967 when, on arriving in Wagga, Carlo established a painting business. ‘Dad would complete his painting, save some money and when he could, buy a little bit of property. The painting business was very large with teams of up to forty in Wagga, Albury & Wangaratta, with work as far afield as Mildura, Melbourne, and even the outskirts of Sydney.’ Carlo chose to close the painting business in 2001 turning his, and the family's, focus to property development.
Damasa is a business defined and influenced by family. ‘Dad was the driving force behind the business and he and the family have always maintained strong ties with the community.’
‘The family philosophy was always about developing the business and, as part of that, developing Wagga to grow and achieve its potential as a regional city.’
‘We have a lot of confidence in what’s happening in Wagga, especially the population target of 100,000 and the Special Activation Precinct (SAP) at Bomen. Whilst the SAP is in an industrial area, the opportunities for the city’s commercial areas are going to be substantial.’
‘Damasa wants to offer the facilities to draw Federal and State Government organisations and large corporations to our city. This means providing buildings with a 4.5-5 star NABERS (National Australian Built Environment Rating System) rating which is required by Government Departments.’
‘We aim to ensure that when businesses and governments consider establishing themselves in, or decentralising to, Wagga, we provide the opportunity for them to do so, potentially establishing thousands of local jobs. We are continuing discussions with Government and corporates about decentralising to Wagga.’
‘Damasa currently has several projects underway and opportunities continue to present themselves. We are able to deliver facilities which will attract people from capital cities by providing the same product as is available in Sydney, but at a much lower cost. Economically it’s a sensible move.’
‘When asked about Wagga, Carlo was always happy to tell anyone that “as far as he is concerned, it’s the best place on the planet”, and Daniel, Sandra and I agree with him. Wagga is home, it provides the opportunity to live a good quality life whilst achieving success.’
‘As a family and business, we want to continue the traditions started by our parents by being involved in and contributing to the Wagga community and supporting Committee for Wagga is a significant part that.’
‘Committee for Wagga’s projects such as Lights4Lake, which we were proud to support, ensure that Committee for Wagga is held in high regard at both a community and council level.’
‘Committee for Wagga’s high level of engagement with local, state and federal governments and communication to members means that we, and all members, are kept informed about opportunities and information relevant to us, our businesses and our community.’